In short, I am a happiness seeker, wellness teacher, knowledge pursuer, die hard nature, ice cream, and chocolate lover.

My medical interest stems from my own personal struggles with depression, hormonal imbalances, and acne. When I went to the doctors to address my skin, they gave me topical antibiotics and oral contraceptives. No one had asked me what was going on in my life. At that time, I was dealing with personal issues at home, my best friend attempted suicide, and harrassment. The oral contraceptive that I was on helped numb my emotions and I felt better. Coming off of them was a whole different story. The emotional rollercoaster ride and acne flareups took a toll on my confidence.

Years later, I struggled with digestive problems, was told numerous times that I have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and suffered from severe bloating that made me look like I was 5 months pregnant all the time. Despite having 3 consecutive episodes of food poisoning and a little bit of anxiety, none of my doctors, including my naturopath, addressed that. They gave me many formulas that were specifically marketed for IBS, none of which worked. It took me a while, but I found someone who listened to me.

Hormonal imbalances, painful periods, irritability, cravings, and more, don’t even get me started on this topic.

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My Mission

Having overcome my own challenges, I understand how discouraging it is when you are not heard and the importance of being an advocate for your own health. I encourage my clients to ask questions, to challenge me, and to be active participants in their health. Through listening and education, I empower my clients to make lifestyle changes that will promote overall health and prevent disease.

Together, we will tease apart you and your symptoms to find out what and why. We will optimize your lifestyle, which includes: nutrition and digestion, sleep, stress management, and physical activity. I believe that these lifestyle factors are the foundations for health, and if they are not in place, no matter what I give you will only be a bandaid solution.

Together, we will create an all encompassing plan that will meet your needs. No cookie cutter plans, trendy diets, or fad treatments here.


Dr. Kathy Nguyen, ND is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor who graduated from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM). Prior to studying naturopathy, she received her Honours Bachelor of Science from McMaster University, Hamilton. Dr. Kathy Nguyen ND is in good standing with the College of Naturopaths of Ontario (CONO), and is a professional member of the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors (CAND) and the Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors (OAND).